Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Stuck Inside My House With the Unemployment Blues Again

I'll make this brief since I really have nothing much music related to speak of. Basically it's January and that generally means down time for the music industry. Unless your the Strokes and are hoping your album will go unnoticed or your Radiohead and your album has already been released officially through your website (more or less for free), nobody really releases new albums in January.

Having said that I realize there are probably albums that have already been released this year other than Radiohead. The thing is I'm unemployed, sick, and working on a computer built by Nikola Tesla. So that's my excuse.

The good news is I have a job interview with a used books/music/movies store on Wednesday, so hopefully I won't be unemployed much longer.

That's all for now. I hope to have a real update soon.