Monday, March 31, 2008

Building an Archive

Being the musically obsessed individual that I am, I own a lot of CDs. Not only that, but I am constantly buying new CDs to add to this collection. For as long as I can remember I've had this absurd desire to build a massive personal music library, which, in all reality, will never be finished. That still will not stop me from attempting to own every Radiohead b-side to the entire catalog of famed french singer/songwriter and notorious lady's man, Serge Gainsbourg. The latter of which is actually already in my collection, no shit.

Recently, for my birthday, I received a 500G external hard drive. For me
this is the equivalent of early man touching the black monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey. My entire world has been turned upside down. Up is down, left is right, black is white, and Jesus is Philip Seymour Hoffman. I don't even know where I stand anymore. All I know is now I am in the process of putting every single CD in my collection on to the monolith. Now, I own somewhere between 500 and 600 CDs.

This is going to take a while.

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